Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 128 - Buzz's and Beach

June 16 - We had lunch at Buzz's today and then went to one of the most beautiful beaches on earth.

The are the Mokes at Lanikai beach. 

Day 127 - Stanley Cup

June 15 - Today was game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals.  Since JE's family is from Boston, they are HUGE sports fans.  I don't really follow hockey, but we did watch the Bruins in the playoffs and finals. So, today we gathered around to watch the final game from Vancouver.

We ordered pizza and enjoyed the game.  Bruins won 4-0 and took home the Stanley Cup!

Day 126 - Haleiwa Joe's

June 14 - For dinner tonight, we went to Haleiwa Joe's.  It's a nice restaurant that is tucked away in a beautiful area. 

This is the view from inside the restaurant.

It's so open and beautiful.  It's like an amazing tree house that serves fantastic food.  We ate so much, and it was all delicious.  Our lovely waitress took a picture of us.

Good times!

Day 125 - Pearl Harbor

June 13 - We ventured down to Pearl Harbor today.  JE nor I had been there because we knew that visitors would want to go.  We know we'll it more than once during our time here.  I have to be honest, I didn't know much about Pearl Harbor or the events leading up to it, so I learned a ton today.  And, I was much more interested in it than I expected to be.  The exhibit was done really well.  There is a video that you watch before getting on the boat to go to the USS Arizona memorial, and it sets the tone for what is to come.

After the USS Arizona Memorial, we went over to tour the USS Missouri.  There is a memorial there for the USS Oklahoma.

Turn to the right a little bit and you see this

We took a tour of the ship which usually costs, but since it was the Army's birthday and JE and his dad both served, it was free.  We didn't have much time, and I really wanted to wander the ship, but we decided on the tour instead.  And, I'm really glad that we did.  I learned so much! 

This is the exact spot where Japan surrendered and ended World War II.  I enjoyed this entire day much more than I expected, and I look forward to doing it with guests in the future.

Day 124 - Brunch at Duke's

June 12 - This morning we had brunch at Duke's in Waikiki.  The view from there is amazing and the food was just as good.  They had a brunch buffet which is the best way to have brunch.  They have my favorite Mai Tai, so I had one with brunch.  When we were done eating, JE, his Mom, and I walked down to the water.  I took a picture of JE and his Mom on the beach, but I'm not sure whose camera it is on.  After Duke's we wandered around Waikiki.  It was a nice day!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 123 - They're Here

June 11 - JE's parents arrive today.  They had some craziness this morning with their flight, and they had change some things around.  But, they made it!

Aloha JE and NE! 

Day 122 - First Mani in Hawaii

June 10 - JE had a meeting this morning on the other side of the island.  We had some errands to run, so I rode with him.  While he was in his meeting, I got a manicure.  It was nice to get some pampering and enjoy something here that I used to do back home.  There is something about having your nails done that makes me feel feminine and attractive.  I was nice to get this done before we have company.  Sorry, I didn't get a picture.