Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 31 - Sweet Scrub

KM's wedding shower is tomorrow morning, so some of us got together tonight to do some prep work.  CC had asked me a couple of months ago to help her come up with an idea for the shower gift.  You know, something small that people get to take with them as a thank you for coming.  I feel like so many times shower or wedding gifts are cute but aren't useful.  I expressed that to CC and she agreed.  So I started looking online.  I found little jars that were adorable and then CC and I talked about what could be put in them.  She mentioned that her mom had a recipe for homemade sugar scrub.  I thought that sounded awesome.  So, CC's mom, JM, made these . .

They turned out ADORABLE and they smelled fantastic too!  Thanks JM for making these.  I def need to write down the recipe.

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