Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 119 - Smells like home

June 7 - I've been here about a week and am still unpacking stuff.  It seems to be never-ending.  Most of the stuff is JE's and just gets put on the pool table for him to go through.  But, today I unpacked this

 and was ecstatic!  My  mom gave me this for my birthday a couple of years back, and I love the way it smells.  I don't burn it very often though because I don't want it to run out.  Thankfully my amazing boyfriend bought me another one a few months ago, so now I can burn this one without fear.  Things like this make it feel more like home here.  Interesting that it's "Hawaiian Pineapple" that makes me feel like home.  If you've never smelled a Circle E Candle, you need to smell and buy several of them.

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