Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 10 - Friday night movie

It's a low key Friday night.  I went to the gym and then home to relax.  I was thinking about what I wanted to blog about while I was flipping channels.  Then, I came across this . . .

50 First Dates!  I still remember the very first time I saw this movie.  I believe it was another "low key" Friday night several years ago.  I decided to go to Blockbuster and buy some movies.  I got this one and Elf.  I went home, got comfy and put on 50 First Dates.  I thought it would be a light-hearted romantic comedy, but about half way through I started to cry.  The tears slowly continued throughout the movie.  I thought it was unbelieveably sweet that he loved her so much that he was willing to put in the effort everyday to make her fall in love with him all over again.  I think this movie changed the way that I view relationships.  When the movie was over, I turned on the TV to find a special on St. Judes.  Now the tears were really flowing. Thank goodness for Elf.  It made me laugh hysterically.  I no longer cry when I watch 50 First Dates.   I actually really enjoy the movie and due to some things going on in my life, it holds a different and special meaning now.  I'm glad it was on tonight to end my day with a laugh and a warm, cozy feeling.

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