Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 6 - V-day

 I mentioned to JE the other day that I had a little something that I was going to send to him for Valentine's Day.  Now, in general, I think this day is a little silly.  You and the person that you care about should tell each other how you feel often and do nice things for one another just because.  But, there is some bit of peer pressure and expectation that surrounds this day, and I give into it.  Also, I enjoy just doing little stuff and this gives me specific reason and "theme".  Anyway, JE told me that he had gotten me something as well.  Like me, he warned that it was nothing major, just a recognition.  My gift was scheduled to be delivered to my work on Saturday, but since it's an office, the didn't leave it.  I contacted the post office today and the nice man told me that he had the package there.  So, as the excitement continued to build, I rushed over there.  The lady handed me a triangular shaped tube that was about 2 feet long and it was extremely light weight.  I immediately went out to my car and opened the box/tube.  There were packing peanuts so I grabbed a bag and dumped out the contents of the box.  Much to my surprise, the "gift" in the box was a stick that had the words "Maui Beauty" written on it.  I immediately called James for further explaination.  He seemed just as confused as I was when I told him it was a stick with writting.  It took a second and then it hit him what had happened.  He explained to me that he had ordered me a "cutting" of Plumeria which he assumed would be loose flowers.  In actuality it was a cutting off the plant that is used to start your own Maui Beautiful Plumeria bush.  I think that plumeria are amazingly beautiful flowers and JE wanted me to have some on this socially special day.  I have to admit, at first I was a little disappointed by the "stick in the box", but typing this now, it makes me smile.  I have a great boyfriend that is thoughtful in his gifts, and for that I'm extremely thankful.  Thank you JE for being so wonderful to me!

1 comment:

  1. That is, in fact, frickin' hilarious! This gift is perfect just as it is. I approve. :)

