Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 58 - Flight Friend

I was super anxious about my flight home the other day, and for those of  you that know me this will come as no surprise, but my axiety came to life in the form of tears.  There I was, sitting in my seat dreading my flight with tears running down my face.  I was so embarassed when the girl sat down next to me that I avoided talking to her at first.  It took a couple of minutes, but I was able to collect myself and say hello to her.  I explained my tears and we began to talk which always helps me a little on flights.  We chatted until the in-flight movies came on.  When they shut off for landing, we chatted a little more.  Before we exited the plane, she gave me her business cards and told me to look her up on facebook.  I was cleaning out my bag tonight when I came across her cards. 

It made me happy that she was willing to reach out and make herself available to me.  She was friendly and I hope to keep in touch with her. 

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