Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 67 - World Market

I had a great day today.  I woke up when my body wanted to, I ate when I got hungry, and I went where I wanted when I wanted.  One of the places that I went was World Market.  I want to live in some fantastic combination of this store and Pottery Barn.  Anywhoo, they had these really cool colored glasses lanterns that I think would look great at the new house in Hawaii, so I went to get some.  They didn't have them in all the colors, so I picked a couple and then grabbed a kitchen towel that just happened to match.

I really  like them, and am planning to go back this week and see if they got more colors.  I haven't figured out exactly how I'm getting these to HI yet, but I will.  They're gonna look great out by the pool on a nice night.

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