Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 79 - Chuy's

One of my favorite places to go for margaritas is Chuy's.  I don't love their food like a lot of people do, but their drinks are fantastic!  And I love the fact that they have chips, queso, meat, and different salsas all free during happy hour. 

I picked up JE from the airport this morning, but I had to go back to work afterwords.  It was kind of a tease to see him for such a short period of time.  We went to Chuy's after work to have a drink and catch up.  Unfortunately, we had such a good time that I forgot to take a picture of my delicious strawberry margarita with chips and queso and JE.  This combo makes me over the top happy!  I highly suggest that if you're ever close to a Chuy's you stop in and have a drink.

1 comment:

  1. I've always assumed it's the booze that makes them famous. Ian likes their food, but I found it kind of so-so, to tell the truth.

