Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 94 - Friends

It's Friday night, and I'm meeting CC and JC at Little Woodrow's for a frosty beverage.  "Woodrow's" is a great little bar in north Austin, and these are my fantastic friends.

This picture of them makes me happy, and being with them is even better.  CC and I met when we worked at University Bookstore while in college.  We became fast friends and then lived together for 2 years.  She has always been an amazing friend to me.  Words cannot express how important she is to me.  She is the sister that I never had and I will always love her!  JC came along several years ago and he's been a great and fun addition to our friendship.  They got married a year ago, and 1 week later opened there home to me during a rough patch in my life.  These are two of the greatest people in the world, and I'm so blessed to have them in my life.  I love you guys!

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