Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 85 - Rummy

We are headed back home now which means a full day "at sea" again.  It was windy outside and the boat was really rocking today.  I tried to get some sun, but the wind made it cold and it just wasn't an enjoyable experience.  I was feeling kind of nauseated from the movement of the boat, but laying down only seemed to make it worse.  JE and I went to the casino on the ship and bought a deck of playing cards.  They were only a dollar, which impressed me, and they totally came in handy.  JE taught me to play rummy.  Sitting up and playing seemed help me feel better.  It may have just been that it took my mind off of it, but I was glad it did.   I really enjoyed rummy and see several more games in our future.

Towel Creation: not an animal, but very sweet

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