Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 83 - Beach Massages

Today was our first day to port, and we were in Progresso, Mexico.  There were different "excursions" that were offered, but most of our group decided to just explore the town.  We took a bus that dropped us off in town and then we walked to the beach where were were immediately bombarded by people selling all sorts of stuff.  I picked up shells while people decided on a plan.  JE, CC, her JC (yep there are 2 JCs and they're married to sisters) and I decided to wander around and see what the town had to offer.  There wasn't much to it, but we had a good time walking the streets, drinking a Corona and looking around.  When we got back to the beach, we decided to have another cervaza and just chill until it was time to meet back up with the group.  While we were sitting there, a woman came up and offered massages on the beach.  JE and JC haggled with the lady and got her down to $10 for 30 minutes. 

They enjoyed their massages while CC and I finished our beers.  Seems a little backwards but everyone was happy.

Towel Creation - it's a dog

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