Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 123 - They're Here

June 11 - JE's parents arrive today.  They had some craziness this morning with their flight, and they had change some things around.  But, they made it!

Aloha JE and NE! 

Day 122 - First Mani in Hawaii

June 10 - JE had a meeting this morning on the other side of the island.  We had some errands to run, so I rode with him.  While he was in his meeting, I got a manicure.  It was nice to get some pampering and enjoy something here that I used to do back home.  There is something about having your nails done that makes me feel feminine and attractive.  I was nice to get this done before we have company.  Sorry, I didn't get a picture.

Day 121 - Guest Room

June 9 - JE's parents arrive in two days, and the guest room is finally ready!  We have had some challenges with the bedrooms and there has been a lot of moving things back and forth.  Today this room is cleared out, clean, and ready for guests.

I think that I want to paint this room, but there wasn't enough time before our first visitors.  I'm pleased with it though. 

Day 120 - Movie Closet

June 8 - One of my many "quirks" is that I like all my movies to be organized alphabetically.  JE and I have a BUNCH of movies, so it was a large task to get them all together and organized.  But, today was the day.

We have a room in the house that we call the "dungeon" and it had the perfect space for our collection.  I have shows together, then all the movies, then games, sports highlights and combo movies in baskets.  JE has several disks that have multiple movies on one, so I created a spreadsheet for all of these.  I was excited and proud to have this done!

Day 119 - Smells like home

June 7 - I've been here about a week and am still unpacking stuff.  It seems to be never-ending.  Most of the stuff is JE's and just gets put on the pool table for him to go through.  But, today I unpacked this

 and was ecstatic!  My  mom gave me this for my birthday a couple of years back, and I love the way it smells.  I don't burn it very often though because I don't want it to run out.  Thankfully my amazing boyfriend bought me another one a few months ago, so now I can burn this one without fear.  Things like this make it feel more like home here.  Interesting that it's "Hawaiian Pineapple" that makes me feel like home.  If you've never smelled a Circle E Candle, you need to smell and buy several of them.

Day 118 - S'mores

June 6 - JE grilled tonight which immediately puts me in the mood for s'mores.  So after dinner we went out back and made them in the chiminea.

Because of all the rain over the past days, the wood was wet, so it was difficult to keep a fire going.  We were able to make it work long enough for us to each to get a wonderful s'more.  Yummy!

Day 117 - Beer Fridge

June 5 - JE's parents are coming next weekend, so we went shopping today.  We've already been to the grocery store, so today was a trip to Walmart for last minute stuff and then to Sam's for beer.  When we got home, JE put all the beer in the refrigerator downstairs.

A good variety and plenty to go around.  Bring on the parents!

Day 116 - Rumi in the Dark

June 4 - The thunderstorms have continued, and tonight while watching tv, the power went out.  Thankfully we knew where a flashlight was, so we were able to get downstairs and find some candles.  We watched the lightening show from the back patio for a little bit, and then we decided to pass the time by playing rumi by candle light.  I lost, of course, but it was a fun way to wait for the power to come back on.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 115 - Delicious Breakfast

June 3 - When I came to visit JE a couple of months ago, he took me to breakfast at Koa Pancake House.  He had been telling me about the fantastic breakfast that he'd had there and said I had to try it.  So, we did.  And ever since then, I've been looking forward to going back, and today we did.

I should have taken the picture when we got the food, but I was too excited.  We had banana pancakes with coconut syrup, scrambled eggs, Portuguese sausage and fried rice.  I know what you're thinking, fried rice for breakfast, but trust me - it is DELICIOUS!   Just typing this makes me want this meal.  Maybe I can talk JE to going this weekend.  Yum!

Day 114 - Rainy Day

June 2 - It has been storming all day.  Not just the everyday rain shower, but full-on thunderstorms.  I hear that it's unusual to have weather like this here.  Being from Texas, this weather doesn't "scare" me.  My biggest compliant is that it effects the Direct TV dish.  Since the cable was out, I turned to a trusty show to keep my company while doing things around the house.

It's been so long since I've watched Season 1.  It was fun to see, again, how it all started. 

Day 113 - Mac made it to Hawaii

June 1 - It's a LONG process to get an animal on the island.  MacArthur (Mac) has been living with JE's parents since Thanksgiving because he had to be "quarantined" before he could move to Hawaii.  Thank goodness for JE's parents!  They were so gracious to take care of him as well as help throughout the entire process.  His parents brought Mac to us in Dallas last weekend.  We took him Monday morning to the airport, and he had to spend 2 nights in the Continental kennel at the Houston airport.  He made it to Hawaii today! 

He seems a little confused about what all he's been through over the past couple of days, but he's glad to be back with JE.  I'm sure it won't take him long to love it here.  Thanks again JE and NE for all of your help!

Day 112 - I live in Kaneohe, Hawaii

May 31 - So, I officially live in Kaneohe, Hawaii.  This is the view from upstairs

The house we live in is unique to say the least, but the view is unbeatable!  We hope to have lots over visitors in the coming years.

Day 111 - Travel, ugh!

May 30 - It's Labor Day, but instead of hanging out with family and friends, we're traveling.  Dallas to Houston, Houston to LAX, and LAX to Honolulu.  I'm not sure if I've said this yet, but I'm moving to Hawaii.  I really don't enjoy flying, but there aren't a whole lot of other ways to get to Hawaii.  I had a rough time on the flight from Dallas to Houston because it was a small plane.  Yuck!  The next flight was better - bigger plane and in-flight entertainment.  About half way through the flight, a women from the row up and across from us got up to go to the restroom.  She looked familiar, but I had to do a double take to place her.  It was the girl from Coyote Ugly!  I kept peeking over at her to see if it really was.  I waited until we landed to point her out to JE.  At first he didn't think it was, but then he got a good look and we were both convinced that it was her.  When we got in the airport, I saw her stop to talk to someone that also looked familiar it was the "princess" from the bachelor years ago.  We saw Piper Perabo talking to Erica Rose in LAX.  Awesome!  Sorry I didn't take a picture but it seemed awkward to do that. 

Day 110 - Family(s) get together

May 29 - It is our last day in Dallas before the big move.  We've been staying with my mom the past couple of days, and she decided to have the family over before we leave tomorrow.  JE's parents were in town to bring us Mac, JE's dog, so they were able to come to the get together.  And, my step-mom flew my Dad in from Michigan to be able to see us and some to the party. 

It was so great for our families to get to meet in a casual and fun atmosphere.  The day could not have gone any better.  Thank you to everyone for making this day so awesome!

Day 109 - The Big Day

May 28 - Today was the wedding of a very special person in my life.  JE, one of my two best guy friends from high school.  He and KC were a huge part of my life then and will always be extremely important to me.  One of the amazing things about having close guy friends is that you can go months without talking or seeing each other, and then, when you do, you can pick up right where you left off.  KC got married a few years back and today was JE's turn.  The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was fantastic!  It was really great to see so many old friends and for my JE to get to meet all of them. I am immensely happy to see that both of these important guys in my life have married wonderful women that make them happy while keeping them in line.  Here are me and "my boys"

 (I had to look very closely, but that is another person's head sticking out of the top of mine.)  I love these guys!  I feel so blessed to have them both in my life and to get to be a part of theirs.  Congrats JE and the new RE!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 108 - Fantastic 3 Fs

May 27 - Another day where I forgot a picture.  I'm sorry.  I know, I have to get better with this.  The saddest part is that I have my camera in my purse all the time.  Anyway, today was another great day.  I got a mani/pedi with my mom.  I really enjoy this because it's a great way for her and I to get to visit while being pampered.  Once our nails were dry, we grabbed Taco Delite for lunch and took it home to eat with JE.  I got to hang out with him a little bit before we met AT at Chuy's for HH.  It was awesome for them to get to meet and we had a really good time. (and I planted a seed with AT to come visit us)  JE and I had talked about going to a Ranger game after HH, but we were enjoying out time with AT and didn't want to leave.  When we did leave AT, we stopped by and saw AB at his work.  JE had a beer and we watched the end of the Bruins game with AB.  It's cool for me to see them getting to know each other since AB is one of my dearest friends husband.  Very cool.  On the way back to Mom's we stopped by Braum's for little treat.  It was fantastic day of food, family and friends. 

Day 107 - Jam Packed

May 26 - It was a crazy busy day, and unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture.  So, I'll just tell you about the things that made the day great.  JE and I left today to head to Dallas.  We went straight to my hair appointment.  Luckily JE had some work to do, so he didn't have to sit and watch me get a hair cut.  Then, we went to World Market for me to finish off a gift certificate that I had.  It is one of my favorite stores, and I'm gonna miss it.  JE and I then met the Bal's for dinner at On the Border.  It was great to see them and OTB is one of my favorite restaurants.  It was a long but fantastic day!

Day 106 - Yankee Candle

May 25 - I don't typically buy candles, but I smelled this on recently and LOVED it!

Ulta had them on sale buy 1, get 1 half off, and I had an Ulta coupon.  I grabbed one for me and one for CC.  She trusted me on the smell, but ended up being very pleased.  Neither one of us was happy about it being pink because it won't match anything, but the smell made it worth it.  I may be drinking the Yankee Candle juice.

Day 105 - Biggest Loser

May 24 - JE came to town today.  We haven't seen each other in a while, so I'm really excited to see him.  We'll be in Austin for a couple of days before we head to Dallas.  Since, I no longer have a bed, we got a hotel room for while we're here.  JE has a very close friend that is going through a rough time right now, so they met for dinner.  I decided to run a couple of errands, and then I grabbed some Qdoba and took it back to the hotel.  Qdoba is one of the many restaurants that I'm going to miss, so I made sure to enjoy every bite of it this evening.  After I ate, I settled in for the always amazing Biggest Loser Live Finale.  This show, and these people blow my mind!  JE got back in time to watch most of it with me, and he was just as impressed as me.  It was a good night, and I'm glad to have JE around again.

Day 104 - Good Day

May 23 - I spent most of my day packing at my apartment.  Ugh.  But, this evening I met CC at the gym for body attack with Joe.  This was officially my last class with CC and last class taught by Joe.  I really enjoyed those classes and hope to get to do them again at some point.  After class, CC and I went to Subway and grabbed sandwich for us and JC.  Then, we headed to JC's softball game.  They didn't win, but it was nice to be there and cheer him and NM on.  When the game was over, we went back to CC and JC's for the cherry on top of the day.  Tonight was the season premier for the Bachelorette. 

When I lived with CC and JC last summer for a couple of months, we had some great times just chillin' at their house watching trash tv.  Tonight was a great reminder of those times.  I can never thank them enough for everything that they've done for me.  You guys are the best!

Day 103 - Hangin' with the Morrills

May 21 - My mom and step-dad came today and picked up my bed.  They are going to use it in one of their guest bedrooms.  Since I no longer have a bed to sleep on, I'm staying the next couple of nights with CC and JC.  They called today and said that they were going to CC's parents' house for dinner and invited me to go with them.  I love the laid back feel as well as her mom's cooking so I said yes, immediately. 

They have a few outdoor cats which is another reason I enjoy going over there.  I got to pet them all!  This one decided that she needed to be inside the fence with the plants. 

NM was gone to softball practice when we got there.  He struck a pose for me.

CC's mom had bought this at one of the ports on our cruise.  It's a bird feeder made out of a coconut.  I need to learn how to do this. 

Thanks Morrills for always welcoming me into your house and your family!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 102 - Unknown

May 20 - This was a Saturday.  My last Saturday in Austin, and to be totally honest, I have NO idea what I did this day.  If something comes to me or someone speaks up about this day/date, then I will be more than happy to fill this in with more details.  Until then, my apologies.

Day 101 - Free Treat

May 20 - Today is Friday, and ended up being my last day at work.  I had planned to have next Wednesday be the last day, but it worked out better for everyone just to go ahead and make it today.  Because it was my last day, I got to leave at 4 pm.  I remembered on my way home that when I was at Target the other day the Starbucks in the store had frappuccino happy hour from 3-5pm.  I assumed that this was going on at all Starbucks locations and was an ongoing thing, so I decided to stop at Starbucks for a last day of work treat.  When I walked in, I didn't see signs about happy hour though.  I decided to ask the guys behind the counter if frapp hh was still going on.  The conversation went something like this:

Me:  Are you guys still doing frappuccino happy hour?
Guy 1:  No, Sunday was the last day of that.
Me:  Awww, that stinks.  I was really excited about getting my frappuccino for half price.
Guy 1:  I'm sorry.  My co-worker will day for you if that will make you happier.
Guy 2:  I'll dance while you tell him what you want.
Me:  (smiling)  I would like a grande coconut mocha frappuccino.  Low fat and without toppings.
Guy 3:  (walks over with a drink in his hand)  Here, you can have this one.
Me:  What is it?
Guy 3:  It's just what you ordered but not with low fat milk.  And it's free.
Me:  Why?  What is wrong with it?
Guy 3:  I put an extra pump of coconut in it and the person didn't want it.
Me:  Holy Cow!!! I'll take it!  Thanks guys, y'all made my day!

What are the odds that it was almost exactly what I ordered?  Crazy!  I was super pumped.  A great way to end an otherwise kind of sad day.  Thanks fun 3 guys at Starbucks in north Austin!

Day 100 - My Desk

May 19 - I started taking the stuff down from my desk and decided to take a picture.  It made me kind of sad.  Both because I'm leaving my job and because I wish I would have thought to take the picture before I took everything down.  This pic makes my desk look boring.

There use to be a pretty Hawaiian flower calendar on the wall, a Red Sox daily calendar and some fun notes/cards that people had sent me.  Thanks PRG for the fun times!

Day 99 - Classes

May 18 - I went to cycling class tonight and followed it up with Body Pump.  They both kick by butt, and I love and hate it at the same time.  Cycling is an amazing cardio workout and Body Pump is a weight class.  I would recommend both of these to any one looking to spice up their trips to the gym. 

Day 98 - Favorite Pens

May 17 - I was going through stuff in my closet and I opened a box that had a bunch of my Scentsy stuff in it.  I'm not currently selling these anymore, and I thought I had gotten rid of all the stuff.  Apparently, I was wrong.  Most of the stuff in the box got tossed, but I was ecstatic when I saw these

These are my absolute favorite pens.  To many people this may sound silly, but for several years I always wrote in pencil because I didn't like the way pens wrote.  Once I found these, I could finally be a grown-up and write in pen.  I typically just buy a couple at a time, so finding this almost full box was an awesome surprise.

Day 97 - Monday Moon

May 16 - Today is Monday, so I met CM at the gym for Body Attack with Joe.  When I got back to my apartment, I looked up and saw this

I don't have a great camera, but trust me, it was a beautiful full moon.  The moon makes me happy and has been a source of peace for me for a long time.  Typing that brings to mind the voice of Fievel Mousekewitz singing in An American Tail.  Oh, the truth that can come from animated movies.

Day 96 - Sunday Night Baseball (and WAY too long)

Okay, so obviously I've fallen a little behind on my blogging.  Who am I kidding?  I'm WAY behind.  I am planning to get caught up over the coming days though.  It has taken some time and the help of JE for me to back track and figure out what happened on what days.  Thankfully, with the combination of my camera, his camera, and his parents camera, I have lots of pictures.  I have to be honest, I don't have one for each day, but I should be able to post something for each day.  I will also start dating the blogs to help all of us follow along.  Just to catch you all up and give myself a bit of an excuse, a lot has happened since my last post.  Rather than tell you about all of it in this one post, you'll have to read them all to get up.  Enjoy!

May 15 - Sunday Night Baseball
It's Sunday evening and I'm sitting on my bed watching the final game of the Red Sox vs Yankees series in New York.  We won the first 2, so I'm hoping for the sweep.  I really like baseball and the Red Sox are my favorite MLB team, but I still struggle to watch a game on tv alone.  So, to keep me focused, I have decided to work on my gum wrapper Christmas tree garland. 

Each one of these is made from the silver wrapper that comes on some types of gum, and each one gets folded 5 times to get in to the size and shape that I need.  Tonight, I folded one for each batter during the game.  It was fun, productive and kept me involved with the game.  As they started to pile up, I grabbed a little, plastic baseball helmet that I once got ice cream in at a Rangers game.  It seemed fitting. Once they are folded, they get linked together to make a chain. Hopefully, I'll have this completed by Christmas this year and can show you the final result.  Oh, and since I know you were wondering, yes, the Red Sox won and took the sweep in NYC.  Go Sox!