Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 103 - Hangin' with the Morrills

May 21 - My mom and step-dad came today and picked up my bed.  They are going to use it in one of their guest bedrooms.  Since I no longer have a bed to sleep on, I'm staying the next couple of nights with CC and JC.  They called today and said that they were going to CC's parents' house for dinner and invited me to go with them.  I love the laid back feel as well as her mom's cooking so I said yes, immediately. 

They have a few outdoor cats which is another reason I enjoy going over there.  I got to pet them all!  This one decided that she needed to be inside the fence with the plants. 

NM was gone to softball practice when we got there.  He struck a pose for me.

CC's mom had bought this at one of the ports on our cruise.  It's a bird feeder made out of a coconut.  I need to learn how to do this. 

Thanks Morrills for always welcoming me into your house and your family!

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