Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 109 - The Big Day

May 28 - Today was the wedding of a very special person in my life.  JE, one of my two best guy friends from high school.  He and KC were a huge part of my life then and will always be extremely important to me.  One of the amazing things about having close guy friends is that you can go months without talking or seeing each other, and then, when you do, you can pick up right where you left off.  KC got married a few years back and today was JE's turn.  The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was fantastic!  It was really great to see so many old friends and for my JE to get to meet all of them. I am immensely happy to see that both of these important guys in my life have married wonderful women that make them happy while keeping them in line.  Here are me and "my boys"

 (I had to look very closely, but that is another person's head sticking out of the top of mine.)  I love these guys!  I feel so blessed to have them both in my life and to get to be a part of theirs.  Congrats JE and the new RE!

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