Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 105 - Biggest Loser

May 24 - JE came to town today.  We haven't seen each other in a while, so I'm really excited to see him.  We'll be in Austin for a couple of days before we head to Dallas.  Since, I no longer have a bed, we got a hotel room for while we're here.  JE has a very close friend that is going through a rough time right now, so they met for dinner.  I decided to run a couple of errands, and then I grabbed some Qdoba and took it back to the hotel.  Qdoba is one of the many restaurants that I'm going to miss, so I made sure to enjoy every bite of it this evening.  After I ate, I settled in for the always amazing Biggest Loser Live Finale.  This show, and these people blow my mind!  JE got back in time to watch most of it with me, and he was just as impressed as me.  It was a good night, and I'm glad to have JE around again.

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