I know that I said that pizza is one of my favorite foods, but sandwiches probably out rank it. I could eat a sandwich 5 times a week and never get tired of it. (The number of times a week is what makes it rank higher.) The think that I love about sandwiches is that there are so many options. Each one can taste totally different just by adding or removing one thing, or my changing the bread, or toasting the bread, or changing the type of meat, or veggies, or condiments. The possibilities are endless! Okay, not endless. I remember learning a way in college to calculate all of the possible outcomes for something, but that seems a little extreme for this.
Well, JE came back in town today, and we needed to pick up some groceries, so we stopped in to our local Super Target. I love, love, love Target and have a feeling that there will be several posts relating to Target in our future, but today's focus is their deli/produce department. They have really good stuff! I hadn't had lunch today when we went in, so I decided to grab a pre-made sandwich. It was turkey and some kind of cheese (I picked it off) on wheat break with lettuce and tomato. Yum!
Next time you're hungry and need to buy groceries, pick one of these up on your way in. Knowing that you have it will keep you from purchasing a bunch of other junkie foods that you don't need. Oh, and for those of you wondering, no, I did not ask for it grilled. I may in the future though. Ahhhh, the possibilities.
My 30th year, one day at a time. I can't take credit for this idea, but I love it. I have a friend that is posting a picture a day for 365 days on Facebook. I wanted to do the same but be able to write more, and not have it on Facebook. So, my goal is to post a picture everyday of something that made me smile that day. I'm turning 30, so I want to chronical the year, take it one day at a time, and appreciate each day. Hopefully, I can bring others some smiles along the way. Enjoy!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 16 - Pizza
I know that I'm going to sound like a 7 year old when I say this, but one of my favorite foods is pizza. I think I could eat it 3 days a week and not get tired of it. Lucky for me, Lean Cuisine makes a pretty good microwave pizza. Lots of frozen pizzas don't cook well in a microwave, but Lean Cuisine has perfected the silver lining on the inside of the box, so theres cook just right. So, here was my "healthy pizza" that I had for lunch today.
Pizza that I don't feel guilty about makes me a happy girl.
Pizza that I don't feel guilty about makes me a happy girl.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 15 - Routine
I am one of those people that enjoys routine, especially in the morning when my brain isn't fully functioning yet. I get on kicks where I eat the same thing for breakfast every week day for a long time. For almost a year now, I've had peanut butter on an english muffin. I recently started using whole grain english muffins and this
This peanut better is "healthier" than regular. It's still not the most healthy pb on the market, but it's better than what I eating. This all melty on half of a warm, toasted english muffin with a glass of cold skim milk starts my day off right! The only thing that makes it better is when I'm lucky enough to have someone make it for me. :)
This peanut better is "healthier" than regular. It's still not the most healthy pb on the market, but it's better than what I eating. This all melty on half of a warm, toasted english muffin with a glass of cold skim milk starts my day off right! The only thing that makes it better is when I'm lucky enough to have someone make it for me. :)
Day 14 - Berries
This was my snack for today.
I love fruit! Good strawberries are pretty easy to come by. Blueberries, on the other hand, tend to lack flavor here in Texas. I lived in Michigan for a year, and the neighborhood I lived in was directly across the street from a blueberry farm. Those blueberries were the size of a dime and were amazingly delicious. Most things in or from Texas are the best, but produce in Michigan wins, hands down. Of course, I still buy fruit here, but my expectations are lower. Well, I was pleasantly shocked at how awesome these blueberries were. They're from Chile, but hey, I bought them here in Texas, so I give some credit to my state. This also gets me excited for the summer months and the fruit that comes with them.
I love fruit! Good strawberries are pretty easy to come by. Blueberries, on the other hand, tend to lack flavor here in Texas. I lived in Michigan for a year, and the neighborhood I lived in was directly across the street from a blueberry farm. Those blueberries were the size of a dime and were amazingly delicious. Most things in or from Texas are the best, but produce in Michigan wins, hands down. Of course, I still buy fruit here, but my expectations are lower. Well, I was pleasantly shocked at how awesome these blueberries were. They're from Chile, but hey, I bought them here in Texas, so I give some credit to my state. This also gets me excited for the summer months and the fruit that comes with them.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Day 13 - Edamame
Well folks, based on my picture from yesterday and the one that I took today, it looks like we may have a theme week on our hands already. The "theme" is food. But, since I have a feeling I may want to use this theme again sometime, I would like to make this one specific to "healthy" food. Now, these will be healthy by my definition, which may just mean better than other alternatives.
Today's food was edamame. I mentioned yesterday that I bought some at Sprouts, and I was pumped to have it tonight. In all honesty, the thought of it was what got me through my workout tonight. (Well it and CC and JF. You'll hear and see them at some point in all of this.) Anyway, when I got home, I immediately made my edamame. It was really simple and turned out great. All you do is boil it! The one thing that I would do differently would be to use sea salt. I didn't have any today, but I may have to purchase some.
Today's food was edamame. I mentioned yesterday that I bought some at Sprouts, and I was pumped to have it tonight. In all honesty, the thought of it was what got me through my workout tonight. (Well it and CC and JF. You'll hear and see them at some point in all of this.) Anyway, when I got home, I immediately made my edamame. It was really simple and turned out great. All you do is boil it! The one thing that I would do differently would be to use sea salt. I didn't have any today, but I may have to purchase some.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 12 - Triple Chocolate
My roommate, SS, and I decided to grab some lunch and go to Sprouts today. We got good stuff like, strawberries, blueberries, edamame, greek yogurt and pita chips. But, I kept getting distracted my anything chocolate. I was being good and reading labels, so I couldn't allow myself to get anything. Then, I came across these
They're triple chocolate and were the "healthiest" chocolate thing that I came across. I made some as soon as I got home, and they were DELICIOUS! Oh, and apparently they are for charity as well.
Day 11 - Dallas Night Club
I tried to take a picture and not get caught in the act. Because of that, my picture didn't turn out so well. This is an Asian man in a cowboy hat, and he could really cut a rug. This made my night!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 10 - Friday night movie
It's a low key Friday night. I went to the gym and then home to relax. I was thinking about what I wanted to blog about while I was flipping channels. Then, I came across this . . .
50 First Dates! I still remember the very first time I saw this movie. I believe it was another "low key" Friday night several years ago. I decided to go to Blockbuster and buy some movies. I got this one and Elf. I went home, got comfy and put on 50 First Dates. I thought it would be a light-hearted romantic comedy, but about half way through I started to cry. The tears slowly continued throughout the movie. I thought it was unbelieveably sweet that he loved her so much that he was willing to put in the effort everyday to make her fall in love with him all over again. I think this movie changed the way that I view relationships. When the movie was over, I turned on the TV to find a special on St. Judes. Now the tears were really flowing. Thank goodness for Elf. It made me laugh hysterically. I no longer cry when I watch 50 First Dates. I actually really enjoy the movie and due to some things going on in my life, it holds a different and special meaning now. I'm glad it was on tonight to end my day with a laugh and a warm, cozy feeling.
50 First Dates! I still remember the very first time I saw this movie. I believe it was another "low key" Friday night several years ago. I decided to go to Blockbuster and buy some movies. I got this one and Elf. I went home, got comfy and put on 50 First Dates. I thought it would be a light-hearted romantic comedy, but about half way through I started to cry. The tears slowly continued throughout the movie. I thought it was unbelieveably sweet that he loved her so much that he was willing to put in the effort everyday to make her fall in love with him all over again. I think this movie changed the way that I view relationships. When the movie was over, I turned on the TV to find a special on St. Judes. Now the tears were really flowing. Thank goodness for Elf. It made me laugh hysterically. I no longer cry when I watch 50 First Dates. I actually really enjoy the movie and due to some things going on in my life, it holds a different and special meaning now. I'm glad it was on tonight to end my day with a laugh and a warm, cozy feeling.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 9 - Tweedledee & Tweedledum
We recently got really nice golf shirts with our new company logo on them. I have kind of turned mine into my Friday uniform. It cuts down on the "what am I going to wear" thought process which is especially nice on a Friday morning.
I was almost to work this morning when I got a text from a co-worker that asked if I was wearing mine today. I laughed a little as I figured that he must have been wearing his and didn't want us to match. Then it hit me, my other co-worker must be wearing his as well, and they were sitting there feeling ridiculous. I immediately started to giggle. Just to picture these two guys, the only other people in my office, matching gave me a good laugh. There are several days where we only see each other, but today we has several people lined up to come in for interviews. Hahaha. These guys had to be matchy, matchy while meeting people. I'm smiling now just thinking about it. Here's the pic. Enjoy!
I was almost to work this morning when I got a text from a co-worker that asked if I was wearing mine today. I laughed a little as I figured that he must have been wearing his and didn't want us to match. Then it hit me, my other co-worker must be wearing his as well, and they were sitting there feeling ridiculous. I immediately started to giggle. Just to picture these two guys, the only other people in my office, matching gave me a good laugh. There are several days where we only see each other, but today we has several people lined up to come in for interviews. Hahaha. These guys had to be matchy, matchy while meeting people. I'm smiling now just thinking about it. Here's the pic. Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 8 - Mail
I live in an apartment, so checking the mail can be kind of a pain. I try to remember to do it once a week. Typically it's junk mail and bills. But today when I checked the mail, I had 2 cards from my Aunt Jo. One was for my birthday and the other was for Valentine's Day.
I love the fact that the b-day card has a lamb on it. Too cute. Getting cards in the mail rocks! Thank you Aunt Jo for making my day bright.
I love the fact that the b-day card has a lamb on it. Too cute. Getting cards in the mail rocks! Thank you Aunt Jo for making my day bright.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 7 - DD
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 6 - V-day
I mentioned to JE the other day that I had a little something that I was going to send to him for Valentine's Day. Now, in general, I think this day is a little silly. You and the person that you care about should tell each other how you feel often and do nice things for one another just because. But, there is some bit of peer pressure and expectation that surrounds this day, and I give into it. Also, I enjoy just doing little stuff and this gives me specific reason and "theme". Anyway, JE told me that he had gotten me something as well. Like me, he warned that it was nothing major, just a recognition. My gift was scheduled to be delivered to my work on Saturday, but since it's an office, the didn't leave it. I contacted the post office today and the nice man told me that he had the package there. So, as the excitement continued to build, I rushed over there. The lady handed me a triangular shaped tube that was about 2 feet long and it was extremely light weight. I immediately went out to my car and opened the box/tube. There were packing peanuts so I grabbed a bag and dumped out the contents of the box. Much to my surprise, the "gift" in the box was a stick that had the words "Maui Beauty" written on it. I immediately called James for further explaination. He seemed just as confused as I was when I told him it was a stick with writting. It took a second and then it hit him what had happened. He explained to me that he had ordered me a "cutting" of Plumeria which he assumed would be loose flowers. In actuality it was a cutting off the plant that is used to start your own Maui Beautiful Plumeria bush. I think that plumeria are amazingly beautiful flowers and JE wanted me to have some on this socially special day. I have to admit, at first I was a little disappointed by the "stick in the box", but typing this now, it makes me smile. I have a great boyfriend that is thoughtful in his gifts, and for that I'm extremely thankful. Thank you JE for being so wonderful to me!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 5 - Brunch
This morning, before heading back, I had birthday brunch with my Nana, Aunt Ann, and Mom. My mom's birthday is February 1st, so it's fun to be able to celebrate together. We went to the Cheesecake factory and had a wonderful time. We started with a round of belinis, shared each other meals (an omlet, veggie scrambler, and strawberry french toast with chantilly cream) and then had mini sundaes compliments of the Cheesecake Factory. Our server was hilarious and had the staff sing happy birthday to mom and me. He even combined our names into one so that it fit in the song. It was a great time, and I hope that we'll make it a birthday tradition. I'm so blessed to have these wonderful women in my life. Thank you guys and thanks Nana for picking up the bill. :)
Day 4 - Hair cut
I would like to introduce you to KW. She is a great lady that totally made my day today. KW cuts my hair and has for about 6 years now. Even when I lived in Michigan, I would make appointments with her when I came home. A little known fact about me is that I LOVE to get my hair cut. I only get it done about every 3 months, but I plan it out so that I always get my hair cut around my birthday. Not only can a hair cut make you feel like a brand new person, but I'm one of those people that finds it uber relaxing to have someone messing with my hair. Back to KW, I had made my "birthday appointment" with her a few months back and it was scheduled for last Saturday. Well, due to some other things coming up and still others falling through, I needed to reschedule my appointment. So, I called KW last week only to find out that she wasn't working this Saturday. She must have heard the sadness and possible desperation in my voice because she almost immediately said, "I'll come in for you". Can you believe that? This wonderful lady was willing to come in on her Saturday off, just to give me hair cut. I was super pumped. Until, she told me that she wanted to do it at 7:30am. I do NOT love to get up early on days that I don't have to work, but if she was willing to come in just for me, then I was willing to be there whenever she wanted. Things got even better when later in the week, KW called me and asked if we could move the appointment to 9:30am. Sweet! So, I got to enjoy my birthday hair cut thanks to KW being an awesome person and hair stylist. Thank you KW!!!!! (If anyone out there would like her information, let me know. She's the best!)
Day 3 - Taco D
I would like to start off by defending myself - I wanted to blog the past couple of days but was unable to log on to my computer due to a password that could not be located. The pictures from this weekend were taken on their correct day; I just wasn't able to upload and blog about them. Okay, on to the pics.
Those of you that have ever lived in Wylie or who have had the pleasure of going "back home" with me, should know exactly what you're looking at. For the rest of you, let me explain. This delicious meal consists of a taco burger with cheese and a medium sweet tea. Oh, and of course fresh made salsa.
Growing up in what use to be the small town of Wylie, the fast food choices at the time were less that spectacular. If memories serves me right, we had Sonic, KFC, McDonald's, Subway and of course Taco Delite. With such a limited selection, I felt like I ate Taco Delite WAY too often. There were so many other fast food restaurants in the world, but for some reason none of them want to be in, or even near, Wylie. Once, I got my driver's license I rarely ate at the places in Wylie and if I did, Taco D was always last on my list. But, when I went off to college, I found my self craving many of the wonderful treats from Taco D. Anytime I made the trip home, I would go by and get a taco burger, or a chicken soft taco, or some sort of plate of nachos, and typically a sweet tea (they have the good ice). Over the years, I've found myself looking forward eating at Taco D, and I make a point to work it into my plans for while I'm home. This trip was no different; as soon as I got into Wylie, I went straight to Taco Delite and enjoyed the amazing meal pictured above. (and to clarify, a "taco burger", is exactly what it sounds like - it's taco meat, lettuce, and cheese on a hamburger bun, and it's FABULOUS)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 2 - Game on
A couple of months ago one of my co-workers kept talking about this game that he and his kids play. He was describing colored that roll down a path and sometimes go backwards and you shot other balls at them to make combinations that then disappear. This did not sound like fun to me. He was showing it to my other co-worker and I was still not impressed. Then, the phone rang, and the co-worker that was playing answered it. Little did I know that this would change my life. Not because of who was on the phone but because I took control of the mouse and started to play. I was hooked!
Later that afternoon, I was describing the game to JE and with a big smile on his face he said, "Oh, you're talking about Zuma". He had been playing for years and was very excited that we could now share in this. (I'm pretty sure that this earned me huge cool points with him.) That weekend we took turns playing and he showed me some tricks and gave me some pointers. I haven't beat it yet, but today I got further than I ever had. I beat level 12-4! Not only did I beat it, but I got a hefty time bonus in the process. (The picture is of the screen after I beat the level.) This was a bright spot in my day. If you haven't played it yet, you should think long and hard about it first. I have only been playing a couple of months, but I feel the need to openly confessed that I am addicted to Zuma. Whew, I feel better just admitting it.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 1 - Birthday
Today is my 30th birthday! I was excited for the day. Unlike most birthdays I've had, I didn't build this one up too much and I think because of that it completely exceeded my expectations. I have amazing people in my life, so a HUGE thank you goes out to all of them for making this a great day.
I was sitting at my desk, working diligently, of course, and I noticed my cell phone viberating. I looked at the number and since it was one that didn't have a name attached to it and it didn't look familiar, I didn't answer. The nice man, Richard I believe was his name, left me a message letting me know that I had flowers waiting for me at the leasing office of my apartment. This was exciting news and I began to wonder who did it.
Shortly after this, I heard my co-worker answer a call and say "yes, she's here". Then he hung up and told me that I had something waiting for me at the front desk Wow, gifts at work and waiting for me when I got home. I am feeling the love today. The gift at work was one from my fanastic friend, LB. It was 2 of my favorite things in the world put together - fruit covered in, you guessed it, chocolate. I had to have a couple of pieces throughout the day, and I convinced myself that it was a healthy treat because it was after all, fruit. Thanks LB and family for the delicious treats!
I went straight home after work and directly to the leasing office. I had pretty well convinced myself that the flowers were from my Dad because he has sent me b-day flowers before. But, I talked to him a couple of days ago, and he was drinking cocktails in Puerto Rico, so birthday flowers could have been a little far from his mind. The nice lady handed me this colorful basket and I walked briskly to my car to find out who they were from. Drum roll please . . . I would like to thank my boyfriends' parents, NE and JE, for being so amazingly thoughtful! (They also mailed me a card! These people rock!)
I'm a lucky lady! Thank you to all of me that sent me a text, a facebook message, e-mail, card or just a kind thought. I'm blessed to know each and every one of you.
I was sitting at my desk, working diligently, of course, and I noticed my cell phone viberating. I looked at the number and since it was one that didn't have a name attached to it and it didn't look familiar, I didn't answer. The nice man, Richard I believe was his name, left me a message letting me know that I had flowers waiting for me at the leasing office of my apartment. This was exciting news and I began to wonder who did it.
Shortly after this, I heard my co-worker answer a call and say "yes, she's here". Then he hung up and told me that I had something waiting for me at the front desk Wow, gifts at work and waiting for me when I got home. I am feeling the love today. The gift at work was one from my fanastic friend, LB. It was 2 of my favorite things in the world put together - fruit covered in, you guessed it, chocolate. I had to have a couple of pieces throughout the day, and I convinced myself that it was a healthy treat because it was after all, fruit. Thanks LB and family for the delicious treats!
I went straight home after work and directly to the leasing office. I had pretty well convinced myself that the flowers were from my Dad because he has sent me b-day flowers before. But, I talked to him a couple of days ago, and he was drinking cocktails in Puerto Rico, so birthday flowers could have been a little far from his mind. The nice lady handed me this colorful basket and I walked briskly to my car to find out who they were from. Drum roll please . . . I would like to thank my boyfriends' parents, NE and JE, for being so amazingly thoughtful! (They also mailed me a card! These people rock!)
I'm a lucky lady! Thank you to all of me that sent me a text, a facebook message, e-mail, card or just a kind thought. I'm blessed to know each and every one of you.
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