Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 4 - Hair cut

I would like to introduce you to KW.  She is a great lady that totally made my day today.  KW cuts my hair and has for about 6 years now.  Even when I lived in Michigan, I would make appointments with her when I came home.  A little known fact about me is that I LOVE to get my hair cut.  I only get it done about every 3 months, but I plan it out so that I always get my hair cut around my birthday.  Not only can a hair cut make you feel like a brand new person, but I'm one of those people that finds it uber relaxing to have someone messing with my hair.  Back to KW, I had made my "birthday appointment" with her a few months back and it was scheduled for last Saturday.  Well, due to some other things coming up and still others falling through, I needed to reschedule my appointment.  So, I called KW last week only to find out that she wasn't working this Saturday.  She must have heard the sadness and possible desperation in my voice because she almost immediately said, "I'll come in for you".  Can you believe that?  This wonderful lady was willing to come in on her Saturday off, just to give me hair cut.  I was super pumped.  Until, she told me that she wanted to do it at 7:30am.  I do NOT love to get up early on days that I don't have to work, but if she was willing to come in just for me, then I was willing to be there whenever she wanted.  Things got even better when later in the week, KW called me and asked if we could move the appointment to 9:30am.  Sweet!  So, I got to enjoy my birthday hair cut thanks to KW being an awesome person and hair stylist.  Thank you KW!!!!!  (If anyone out there would like her information, let me know.  She's the best!)

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