Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 3 - Taco D

I would like to start off by defending myself - I wanted to blog the past couple of days but was unable to log on to my computer due to a password that could not be located.  The pictures from this weekend were taken on their correct day; I just wasn't able to upload and blog about them.  Okay, on to the pics.

Those of you that have ever lived in Wylie or who have had the pleasure of going "back home" with me, should know exactly what you're looking at.  For the rest of you, let me explain. This delicious meal consists of a taco burger with cheese and a medium sweet tea.  Oh, and of course fresh made salsa. 

Growing up in what use to be the small town of Wylie, the fast food choices at the time were less that spectacular.  If memories serves me right, we had Sonic, KFC, McDonald's, Subway and of course Taco Delite.  With such a limited selection, I felt like I ate Taco Delite WAY too often.  There were so many other fast food restaurants in the world, but for some reason none of them want to be in, or even near, Wylie.  Once, I got my driver's license I rarely ate at the places in Wylie and if I did, Taco D was always last on my list.  But, when I went off to college, I found my self craving many of the wonderful treats from Taco D.  Anytime I made the trip home, I would go by and get a taco burger, or a chicken soft taco, or some sort of plate of nachos, and typically a sweet tea (they have the good ice).  Over the years, I've found myself looking forward eating at Taco D, and I make a point to work it into my plans for while I'm home.  This trip was no different; as soon as I got into Wylie, I went straight to Taco Delite and enjoyed the amazing meal pictured above. (and to clarify, a "taco burger", is exactly what it sounds like - it's taco meat, lettuce, and cheese on a hamburger bun, and it's FABULOUS) 

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