Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 2 - Game on

A couple of months ago one of my co-workers kept talking about this game that he and his kids play.  He was describing colored that roll down a path and sometimes go backwards and you shot other balls at them to make combinations that then disappear.  This did not sound like fun to me.  He was showing it to my other co-worker and I was still not impressed.  Then, the phone rang, and the co-worker that was playing answered it.  Little did I know that this would change my life.  Not because of who was on the phone but because I took control of the mouse and started to play.  I was hooked!

Later that afternoon, I was describing the game to JE and with a big smile on his face he said, "Oh, you're talking about Zuma".  He had been playing for years and was very excited that we could now share in this.  (I'm pretty sure that this earned me huge cool points with him.) That weekend we took turns playing and he showed me some tricks and gave me some pointers.  I haven't beat it yet, but today I got further than I ever had.  I beat level 12-4!  Not only did I beat it, but I got a hefty time bonus in the process.  (The picture is of the screen after I beat the level.)  This was a bright spot in my day.  If you haven't played it yet, you should think long and hard about it first.  I have only been playing a couple of months, but I feel the need to openly confessed that I am addicted to Zuma.  Whew, I feel better just admitting it.

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