Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1 - Birthday

Today is my 30th birthday!  I was excited for the day.  Unlike most birthdays I've had, I didn't build this one up too much and I think because of that it completely exceeded my expectations.  I have amazing people in my life, so a HUGE thank you goes out to all of them for making this a great day. 

I was sitting at my desk, working diligently, of course, and I noticed my cell phone viberating.  I looked at the number and since it was one that didn't have a name attached to it and it didn't look familiar, I didn't answer.  The nice man, Richard I believe was his name, left me a message letting me know that I had flowers waiting for me at the leasing office of my apartment.  This was exciting news and I began to wonder who did it. 

Shortly after this, I heard my co-worker answer a call and say "yes, she's here".  Then he hung up and told me that I had something waiting for me at the front desk  Wow, gifts at work and waiting for me when I got home.  I am feeling the love today.  The gift at work was one from my fanastic friend, LB.  It was 2 of my favorite things in the world put together - fruit covered in, you guessed it, chocolate.  I had to have a couple of pieces throughout the day, and I convinced myself that it was a healthy treat because it was after all, fruit.  Thanks LB and family for the delicious treats!

I went straight home after work and directly to the leasing office.  I had pretty well convinced myself that the flowers were from my Dad because he has sent me b-day flowers before.  But, I talked to him a couple of days ago, and he was drinking cocktails in Puerto Rico, so birthday flowers could have been a little far from his mind.  The nice lady handed me this colorful basket and I walked briskly to my car to find out who they were from.  Drum roll please . . . I would like to thank my boyfriends' parents, NE and JE, for being so amazingly thoughtful!  (They also mailed me a card!  These people rock!)

I'm a lucky lady!  Thank you to all of me that sent me a text, a facebook message, e-mail, card or just a kind thought.  I'm blessed to know each and every one of you.

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