Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 9 - Tweedledee & Tweedledum

We recently got really nice golf shirts with our new company logo on them.  I have kind of turned mine into my Friday uniform.  It cuts down on the "what am I going to wear" thought process which is especially nice on a Friday morning. 

I was almost to work this morning when I got a text from a co-worker that asked if I was wearing mine today.  I laughed a little as I figured that he must have been wearing his and didn't want us to match.  Then it hit me, my other co-worker must be wearing his as well, and they were sitting there feeling ridiculous.  I immediately started to giggle.  Just to picture these two guys, the only other people in my office, matching gave me a good laugh.  There are several days where we only see each other, but today we has several people lined up to come in for interviews.  Hahaha.  These guys had to be matchy, matchy while meeting people.  I'm smiling now just thinking about it.  Here's the pic.  Enjoy!

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