Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 95 - Meanest Cat EVER

When my roommate moved in, he told me that he had a cat back home that he would like to bring to our apartment  I was so excited!  I really like cats, but since I have one at my mom's house there is absolutely NO way that I could get one.  I was excited to meet her and get to love on her.  Well, she had something different in mind.  This was by far the meanest cat I've ever encountered.  She would hiss and scratch at me, and she was the same way with everyone that came to our apartment.  Over the past 9 months, she has decided to occasionally let me pet her.  This weekend my roommate went home, and the cat, Pistachio, decided that she loves me!

She snuggled with me and wanted me to pet her constantly.  This may only be temporary, so I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

Day 94 - Friends

It's Friday night, and I'm meeting CC and JC at Little Woodrow's for a frosty beverage.  "Woodrow's" is a great little bar in north Austin, and these are my fantastic friends.

This picture of them makes me happy, and being with them is even better.  CC and I met when we worked at University Bookstore while in college.  We became fast friends and then lived together for 2 years.  She has always been an amazing friend to me.  Words cannot express how important she is to me.  She is the sister that I never had and I will always love her!  JC came along several years ago and he's been a great and fun addition to our friendship.  They got married a year ago, and 1 week later opened there home to me during a rough patch in my life.  These are two of the greatest people in the world, and I'm so blessed to have them in my life.  I love you guys!

Day 93 - Lily Pad

I saw this on my way in to work today.  (If you don't know what you're looking at or for, it's the beautiful pink flower in the middle of the picture.)

There is a little pond between the parking garage and the building that has fish and plants in it.  This lily pad flower brightened my day.  (Sorry the picture isn't better.  It was kind of grey outside, and I don't know the best setting to use on my camera.)

Day 92 - Giant Sweet Tarts

I stopped at the gas station this afternoon to get a blue monster (the energy drink), and on my way to the register I saw Giant Chewy Sweet Tarts.

My mom used to eat these when I was a kid  And, my amazing friend LB craved them during her first pregnancy.  I would try to buy them for her but quickly realized that they're not easy to find.  So, when I saw them today, I had to get them for memeories sake.  There are 4 in the package, so I ate one every day for 4 days.  If you ever come across them, I suggest that you snag you some. 

Day 91 - Good Author

Several years ago, a girl I worked with recommended a couple of books to me.  I wasn't sure that she and I would share the same taste in books, but she let me borrow her copy, so I decided to give it a chance.  I really enjoyed the author's style and just the way that the book read.  I felt as though I knew the characters, and it was hard to put the book down.  After finishing the first one, I borrowed the second, which was the same story but from the other main character's point of view.  I laughed out loud at these books, but also felt the tug of what they characters were dealing with.  The books were Something Borrowed and Something Blue, and they're written by Emily Griffin.  I highly recommend them to anyone looking for easy, enjoyable reads that take you on a twisted but fun ride.  They recently made Something Borrowed into a movie and I'm hoping to see it soon.  Well, I recently picked up Emily Griffin's lasted book,

I started reading it on my trip to Hawaii, but hadn't really picked it up since I got back.  I grabbed it tonight and am completely sucked back in.  I have a feeling that this book will consume the coming days.  I think I'm going to go back and read her other 2 books.  She's a great author that is so relatable in her writing and I find myself saying "just one more chapter".

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 90 - A note

JE leaves today to go back to Hawaii.  He'll be back in 15 days, but it alwayshard to say good bye.  Today was especially difficult because we had to get up super early to take him to the airport.  (Remember, I love my sleep and I've learned that I like morning sleep more than night sleep.)  I took him and then came back home and went back to bed for a little bit.  When I got up to get ready for work, I saw this

My awesome boyfriend took the time this morning to write me a sweet note.  He is one of the most thoughtful people I've ever met.  I'm a huge believer that is the little things that matter most, and he's great at them.  I'm a blessed girl.

Day 89 - Wally's Mom

Today is Mother's Day and unfortunately, I don't get to spend it with my Mom.  It was just too much with the cruise and all, but I'll see her in just a couple of weeks.  JE had a very relaxed day.  I woke up to him making breakfast which was awesome - both the food and waking up to that.  We watched the Red Sox game on my computer, (it wasn't on a channel that I get, so we watched via JE's sling box from Hawaii) and played rummy.  It totally made my day to see this

It's Wally, the Red Sox mascot, and his mom at the game.  What a great way to spend Mother's Day!  To all the Mom's out there - Thank you for all that you do, have done and will do.  None of us would be where we are today if it weren't for our moms.  I have the greatest mom in the world, and I hope, when my time comes, that I can be as good as she is.  I've learned so much from her and am so blessed that God picked her for me. 

Day 88 - Hula Hut

JE wanted to go to dinner tonight somewhere that was very "Austin".  He picked Hula Hut.  I have never been there, but once he told me that it was owned by the same people as Chuy's, I knew I would love it.  Apparently, most of Austin loves it.  There was an hour and half wait when we got there.  We decided to get a drink at the bar while we waited.  Right after we got our drinks, a group of people in the bar left.  We were able to sit where they were.  Score!  It was really the ambience that we were hoping for, but we were both glad that we didn't have to wait the hour and a half to eat.

It was a cool place with good food, and I can check it off my "places to eat in Austin" list.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 87 - Baby A's

For years now I've hear people talk about a restaurant called Baby A's (short for Baby Acapulco) and their famous purple margarita, and tonight I got to experience both.  We met some friends their for dinner, but we arrived before them and went ahead and got some drinks.  I said to JE, shortly after ordering my purple margarita, that I needed to get a picture of it.  But, when we got them, we were too busy drinking them and talking to remember to take the pic.  Sorry. 

I didn't really enjoy the flavor of the purple margarita, but I'm glad I got to try one. Chuy's still holds the title of my favorite margarita!  It was great to see J & J and get to catch up with them.  I had wonderful night with wonderful people (and an okay drink).  :)

Day 86 - The Dixie Chicken

We arrived back in Galveston around 8 o'clock this morning and began the debarkation process.  The vacation was nice, but it always feels good to get back home.  KC and her new hubby, JC, hitched a ride with us.  This meant making a slight detour on the trip home, but it was one that I didn't mind making at all.  1. because it helped them out and 2. because we got to College Station.  I love me some College Station!  I have so many great memories there and anytime I go back I get a feeling that is like no other.  I think that feeling is called nostalgia, but I like to think that is special to me and the town of College Station.  Although we were anxious to back to Austin, we decided to take some time for me to show JE a couple of things in town.  He really wanted to have a beer a the Dixie Chicken, so he did.

We both hope to go back sometime when I can take him on campus and show him some places that I use to hang out during my time there.  We're REALLY hoping to go to Fightin' Texas Aggie football game together at Kyle Field so he can get the full experience.  I loved my time at Texas A & M so much, and I'm so grateful for all of the wonderful people that know because of that time.  I can't think of a better way to end this post than with the a good ol' Thanks and Gig'em!

Day 85 - Rummy

We are headed back home now which means a full day "at sea" again.  It was windy outside and the boat was really rocking today.  I tried to get some sun, but the wind made it cold and it just wasn't an enjoyable experience.  I was feeling kind of nauseated from the movement of the boat, but laying down only seemed to make it worse.  JE and I went to the casino on the ship and bought a deck of playing cards.  They were only a dollar, which impressed me, and they totally came in handy.  JE taught me to play rummy.  Sitting up and playing seemed help me feel better.  It may have just been that it took my mind off of it, but I was glad it did.   I really enjoyed rummy and see several more games in our future.

Towel Creation: not an animal, but very sweet

Day 84 - Bad Boy

Our port today was Cozumel.  Everyone had decided to do excursions today but not all together.  There were about 10 options to pick from and couples picked what interested them.  JE and I decided to choose a day at the beach that had drinks and lunch included along with some different water activities.  We got on a bus that took us about 10 miles to the beach.  Once there, we picked our chairs and ordered a drink.  I was on my third or forth when I had the immense pleasure of seeing this

I had noticed a little earlier that there was a man in a speedo on the water trampoline, and I pointed it out to JE.  We got a good little chuckle out of it then, so we both had to hold back our laughter when we saw him walking right by our chairs.  Then we he was passed us, I noticed the back of his swim suit, and it made my day.  I'm pretty sure that I was caught taking this picture, but it was well worth it.  It takes a certain kind of man to have the confidence to wear a speedo that says "Bad Boy" on the back.  I applaud and snicker at you.

Towel Creation: A bunny, and it looks like it has a secret

Day 83 - Beach Massages

Today was our first day to port, and we were in Progresso, Mexico.  There were different "excursions" that were offered, but most of our group decided to just explore the town.  We took a bus that dropped us off in town and then we walked to the beach where were were immediately bombarded by people selling all sorts of stuff.  I picked up shells while people decided on a plan.  JE, CC, her JC (yep there are 2 JCs and they're married to sisters) and I decided to wander around and see what the town had to offer.  There wasn't much to it, but we had a good time walking the streets, drinking a Corona and looking around.  When we got back to the beach, we decided to have another cervaza and just chill until it was time to meet back up with the group.  While we were sitting there, a woman came up and offered massages on the beach.  JE and JC haggled with the lady and got her down to $10 for 30 minutes. 

They enjoyed their massages while CC and I finished our beers.  Seems a little backwards but everyone was happy.

Towel Creation - it's a dog

Day 82 - The Big Day

Today is our first day "at sea" (I put it in quotes because we're actually only in the Gulf of Mexico which isn't really sea in my mind) and KM and JC had their wedding ceremony this afternoon.  I didn't get a picture of KM, now KC, and JC at the ceremony, but I did snap this one of KC

The ceremony was held in the library on the ship, and this huge globe was right as you walked in.  (There was also a large telescope in the room that KC and JC did some fun pictures with. haha) KC looked beautiful, as you can see, and the whole thing went smoothly.  It was a quick ceremony with a small group of people which made it feel very cozy and comfortable.  I feel extremely blessed to be one of the few people asked to go on this cruise and attend their special day.  There were about 20 people totally and we all had a great time together. 

Thanks for the wonderful vacation and CONGRATULATIONS to KC and JC!

Towel Creation - Elephant

Day 81 - I'm on a boat (with alcohol)

These are the drinks that we brought with us on the cruise.

We read all of the rules and regulations on what could be brought on.  Then ,we researched how to get around those rules.  The amount that we brought was within the guidelines.  But, while the bottles on the left may look like water, they are actually 2 different flavors of vodka and 1 of rum.  We honestly lucked in to getting those on the boat, but we were thankful for our good fortune.  (JE found out later that night at the Blackjack table, that he shouldn't have pushed our luck.)  It's gonna be a great 5 days!

Bonus Pics - I have always heard about the towel animals that you get in your room each night when on a cruise, so I decided to include my towel creations from the week.  I think this is a walrus.

Day 80 - packing, sort of

We leave on a cruise tomorrow for the wedding of KM to JC.  So, tonight was dedicated to packing.  Well, it was suppose to be.  We decided to grab some dinner at Plucker's and talk about what all we needed to make sure and pack.  JE realized that he didn't have any books with him, so after dinner, we went to the book store.  This took a fair amount of time, as any good trip to the book store does. Then, we headed to liquor store to get the goods for the trip.  Finally, we had to go Wally World to get other last minute trip necessities.  By the time we got home, I was pooped and didn't feel like packing.  I had gotten this far when I decided to call it a night.

I had things all laid out.  All I had to do was actually pack them.  It was enough progress for me and I went to bed happy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 79 - Chuy's

One of my favorite places to go for margaritas is Chuy's.  I don't love their food like a lot of people do, but their drinks are fantastic!  And I love the fact that they have chips, queso, meat, and different salsas all free during happy hour. 

I picked up JE from the airport this morning, but I had to go back to work afterwords.  It was kind of a tease to see him for such a short period of time.  We went to Chuy's after work to have a drink and catch up.  Unfortunately, we had such a good time that I forgot to take a picture of my delicious strawberry margarita with chips and queso and JE.  This combo makes me over the top happy!  I highly suggest that if you're ever close to a Chuy's you stop in and have a drink.

Day 78 - JE's basket

I bought some items for JE for his next visit, and my mom got him some Easter things.  So, I picked up and Easter basket and a couple of other items and put together an Easter basket for him.  It turned out pretty cute.

He gets in town tomorrow.  I'm excited to see him and for him to see his basket.

Day 77 - Easter card

I typically only check the mail on Wednesdays because I know that's when the ads come which can fill up the mailbox.  I live in an apartment and the mail place is on the other side of the complex, so I don't go by it everyday.  Today, there was something inside of me telling me to check the mail, so I made a point to stop when I got home today.  That little something was right.

I got a sweet Easter card from JE's parents.  They thanked me for the cookies and wished me a happy Easter.  That was so sweet of them, and it made my day!