Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 91 - Good Author

Several years ago, a girl I worked with recommended a couple of books to me.  I wasn't sure that she and I would share the same taste in books, but she let me borrow her copy, so I decided to give it a chance.  I really enjoyed the author's style and just the way that the book read.  I felt as though I knew the characters, and it was hard to put the book down.  After finishing the first one, I borrowed the second, which was the same story but from the other main character's point of view.  I laughed out loud at these books, but also felt the tug of what they characters were dealing with.  The books were Something Borrowed and Something Blue, and they're written by Emily Griffin.  I highly recommend them to anyone looking for easy, enjoyable reads that take you on a twisted but fun ride.  They recently made Something Borrowed into a movie and I'm hoping to see it soon.  Well, I recently picked up Emily Griffin's lasted book,

I started reading it on my trip to Hawaii, but hadn't really picked it up since I got back.  I grabbed it tonight and am completely sucked back in.  I have a feeling that this book will consume the coming days.  I think I'm going to go back and read her other 2 books.  She's a great author that is so relatable in her writing and I find myself saying "just one more chapter".

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