Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 82 - The Big Day

Today is our first day "at sea" (I put it in quotes because we're actually only in the Gulf of Mexico which isn't really sea in my mind) and KM and JC had their wedding ceremony this afternoon.  I didn't get a picture of KM, now KC, and JC at the ceremony, but I did snap this one of KC

The ceremony was held in the library on the ship, and this huge globe was right as you walked in.  (There was also a large telescope in the room that KC and JC did some fun pictures with. haha) KC looked beautiful, as you can see, and the whole thing went smoothly.  It was a quick ceremony with a small group of people which made it feel very cozy and comfortable.  I feel extremely blessed to be one of the few people asked to go on this cruise and attend their special day.  There were about 20 people totally and we all had a great time together. 

Thanks for the wonderful vacation and CONGRATULATIONS to KC and JC!

Towel Creation - Elephant

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