Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 87 - Baby A's

For years now I've hear people talk about a restaurant called Baby A's (short for Baby Acapulco) and their famous purple margarita, and tonight I got to experience both.  We met some friends their for dinner, but we arrived before them and went ahead and got some drinks.  I said to JE, shortly after ordering my purple margarita, that I needed to get a picture of it.  But, when we got them, we were too busy drinking them and talking to remember to take the pic.  Sorry. 

I didn't really enjoy the flavor of the purple margarita, but I'm glad I got to try one. Chuy's still holds the title of my favorite margarita!  It was great to see J & J and get to catch up with them.  I had wonderful night with wonderful people (and an okay drink).  :)

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