Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 86 - The Dixie Chicken

We arrived back in Galveston around 8 o'clock this morning and began the debarkation process.  The vacation was nice, but it always feels good to get back home.  KC and her new hubby, JC, hitched a ride with us.  This meant making a slight detour on the trip home, but it was one that I didn't mind making at all.  1. because it helped them out and 2. because we got to College Station.  I love me some College Station!  I have so many great memories there and anytime I go back I get a feeling that is like no other.  I think that feeling is called nostalgia, but I like to think that is special to me and the town of College Station.  Although we were anxious to back to Austin, we decided to take some time for me to show JE a couple of things in town.  He really wanted to have a beer a the Dixie Chicken, so he did.

We both hope to go back sometime when I can take him on campus and show him some places that I use to hang out during my time there.  We're REALLY hoping to go to Fightin' Texas Aggie football game together at Kyle Field so he can get the full experience.  I loved my time at Texas A & M so much, and I'm so grateful for all of the wonderful people that know because of that time.  I can't think of a better way to end this post than with the a good ol' Thanks and Gig'em!

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