Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 80 - packing, sort of

We leave on a cruise tomorrow for the wedding of KM to JC.  So, tonight was dedicated to packing.  Well, it was suppose to be.  We decided to grab some dinner at Plucker's and talk about what all we needed to make sure and pack.  JE realized that he didn't have any books with him, so after dinner, we went to the book store.  This took a fair amount of time, as any good trip to the book store does. Then, we headed to liquor store to get the goods for the trip.  Finally, we had to go Wally World to get other last minute trip necessities.  By the time we got home, I was pooped and didn't feel like packing.  I had gotten this far when I decided to call it a night.

I had things all laid out.  All I had to do was actually pack them.  It was enough progress for me and I went to bed happy.

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