Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 95 - Meanest Cat EVER

When my roommate moved in, he told me that he had a cat back home that he would like to bring to our apartment  I was so excited!  I really like cats, but since I have one at my mom's house there is absolutely NO way that I could get one.  I was excited to meet her and get to love on her.  Well, she had something different in mind.  This was by far the meanest cat I've ever encountered.  She would hiss and scratch at me, and she was the same way with everyone that came to our apartment.  Over the past 9 months, she has decided to occasionally let me pet her.  This weekend my roommate went home, and the cat, Pistachio, decided that she loves me!

She snuggled with me and wanted me to pet her constantly.  This may only be temporary, so I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

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