Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 19 - The View

It was cloudy this morning which kind of put a damper on the plans for the day.  We sat around and watched a couple of movies while slowly getting going for the day.  By the time we were ready to head out, the sun had decided to join us.  Lunch at The Oasis was back on.  I have heard the commercials on the radio for The Oasis, and the jingle very easily gets stuck in my head.  I'll sing it for you - "Meet me, at The Oasis".  See, you understand how catchy that is.  Anyway, I was excited to finally be going there.  We decided to eat our late lunch at Uncle Billy's which was one of the 3 restaurants they have.  It is a brewery that serves barbecue.  The beer was good, the food was good, and the company was good.  Oh, and on top of all of that the view was AMAZING.  It made me realize that sometimes we all need to stop moving so fast, take a nice look around at the people, the moments and the joys that make life great. 

Just enjoy the view.

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