Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 23 - It's a girl! (we think)

One of my very dearest friends, LB, recently found out she's pregnant.  Well, I guess not all that recent, it was Christmas night to be exact, and now that I'm typing this, I would like to tell the whole story. 

It was Christmas night and LB and I had been texting back and forth about going out to grab a drink with friends.  Her mother in law was in town and I was waiting on JE to get to my mom's house.  As the night progressed, it became apparent that drinks would not be in our future.  LB sent me a picture text and I opened it to see what I thought was a Wii remote.  I took a closer look and realized that it was actually a picture of a pee stick.  Yep, she sent me a picture of the birth control test that she had taken.  I still have not bothered to ask her what led to her taking this test, but it was an interesting mix of emotions to see that picture.  The thoughts/emotions when something like this 1) what is that?/confusion, 2) it's a pee stick/gross, 3) wait, a pregnancy test picture/holy crap, 4) she's pregnant!/totally elation, 5) I have to keep a secret/crap.  Well, I failed a little at number 5.  I was so excited that I immediately told my mom and as soon as JE walked in the door, I told him.  Sorry, LB.  But, I made both of them promise not to tell. 

It's amazing how as soon as you find out someone is pregnant the first thing you want to know is the gender.  We all know that you have to wait until it has those parts to be able to know, but that seems to take forever.  I go back and forth on if I will find out the gender when I'm pregnant and I think I won't really know how I feel about it until that time comes.  But, I'm always super pumped to know when other people find out.  Last week LB had a sonogram and the nurse said that she thinks it's a girl.  I guess they won't know for sure for another month or so, but I heard girl and I'm going with that until I hear differently.  With that said, I have already been giving my opinion on names and room decor, and I picked up this cute little outfit.

I thought it was adorable.  It's a 6 month but if my math is correct she should be wearing it close to Valentine's Day.  It has a cute little ruffle on the back side and says "Daddy's Love" on the front.  I figure it couldn't hurt to earn some brownie points with AB.  I'm so happy for you guys.  Love y'all.  (and Bree.  hehe)

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