Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 47 - Yoga

I went to the gym today.  I have lost motivation lately, so just getting there was a big step.  There is a yoga class on Sunday afternoons that I like.  Well, I say I like it, but for some reason I dread going.  But today, I was going.  I even went early so that I could get in some good cardio before the class.  I did an hour on the elliptical and then headed into the darkness.  I only say that because the room is dark.  I think I don't look forward to the class because it is so calming and it's a different workout than anything else.  Time seems to creep by during class and muscle fatigue happens without feeling like you're doing much, so you start to get tired and you're only half way through.  I do this class because I love the way I feel when it's over.  I came home and set my stuff down.  I was happy and proud that I had made myself go.

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