Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 28 - Moving Day

The movers came today and loaded up EVERYTHING from JE's house.  I went over after work to help with any of the little last minute things.  While it was hectic and exciting, it was also a little sad.  But then you stop and remember that he is moving to Hawaii, and it's hard to be sad anymore.  After everything was cleaned out, taken out and loaded up, we were popped.  (and we didn't even do that much because there were professional movers.)  I came and picked up my roommate, a different SS, and we met JE for dinner.  The food was good, but afterwards, we all wanted a little something sweet.  Lucky for us there was a Baskin Robbins in the same parking lot.  It was the perfect way to end a busy, stressful and emotional day.

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