Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 34 - Monday night finale

Tonight was the finale of The Bachelor, and boy was it an emotional roller coaster.  I had heard that there were spoilers out there saying that he selected Chantel, so I had convinced myself that she was the one.  Well, in true Bachelor fashion, they threw us for a loop.  I know that some people think the show is ridiculous, and sometimes is truly is.  But, if you keep in mind that these are people's real lives, it brings it a little more into perspective.  It breaks my heart every season to watch someone stand there waiting to either get proposed to or broken up with.  I can't imagine how that would feel.  I remind myself that they had to know what they were possibly getting into when they signed up for this, but still, there are feelings involved and that is hard to watch.  Bottom line, he didn't pick who I thought he should have, but I hope everyone involved ends up happy. 

For better or worse, I enjoy watching the craziness and love on this show.

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