Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 44 - Nap time

I woke up this morning feeling tired.  I understand that it is typically to feel this way in the morning, but it was extreme today.  I thought I would feel better once the day got going, but that was not the case.  I know what you're thinking, "it must be due to the wine".  I didn't drink much, and this wasn't a hangover.  It was pure exhaustion.  RW could tell that I didn't feel like myself today, so he told me to go home around noon.  I appreciate him being aware and awesome.  When I got home and saw this,

I was thrilled.  I went straight to bed and slept for about 4 hours, and even after that I only left bed for food and the bathroom.  Sometimes your body just takes over and forces you to slow down or even stop for a while.  Rest was exactly what I needed.

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