Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 20 - Cookie Exchange

There is a class at the gym on Monday nights that CC and I enjoy.  The class is fun and kicks our butts, but it's also great to catch up and get in some laughs with CC.  Also, we usually have things to give each other from the previous week(s)/month(s) like mail, a fan, cutting board or clock, or any other random items.  I like to bake and since there are only 2 people in my office, I usually share whatever goodies I've baked with CC and JC.  This week I had made chocolate chip cookies with a marshmallow and some chocolate icing on top.  CC mentioned that she had made some lemon cookies with icing.  So, after class, in the parking lot of the gym, we exchanged cookies.  It's a good thing we workout first. 

Thanks CC!  The cookies were great!

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