Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 24 - Ooopppsss

Theres a lot of back story to the happy ending on this one, but I'll try to keep it brief.  A couple of years ago, I found a chip and dip bowl set that I really liked at Kohl's.  When I went to get it, they no longer had it.  Food Network made it as well as some other serving plater/dishes that I liked.  My step mom tried to find it at other Kohl's locations as well as online, but the bowl wasn't available anywhere.  Last summer, CC and I were driving back from Houston and we decided to stop in at Kohl's.  I have no idea what we were looking for, but I was glad that we had stopped.  This Kohl's had the bowl that I wanted!  And, it was buy one get one half off, so I decided to get it and one of the matching serving sets.  I used the chip and dip bowl this past fall at a football watch party, and I got a couple of compliments on it. 

Well, the other day, JE was carrying the empty chip and dip bowls down to his car when apparently he tripped on the stairs and fell.  (He tripped because of a broken big toe that happend on a recent surfing lesson.)  The fall caused the dip bowl to hit the chip bowl and break.  I was very sad when James gave me this bad news and then I felt bad for not asking to make sure that he was ok.  He had a bruise on his knee but was fine otherwise.  He would heal, but the dip bowl couldn't be fixed.  I was afraid that I would not be able to find another chip and dip bowl set since I had stumbled on it to begin with.  After work today, I stopped by Kohl's to see if by some slim chance they would have the chip and dip set.  And . . .

I got the only one they had!!!  To top of this great news, I had a gift card that PS had given me for my birthday which came in very handy.  Thanks PS and thank you Kohl's for keeping this item in stock.  I see several gatherings and delicious dips in my future and I'm glad that I will have this for them.

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