Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 50 - Pure beauty

After a short flight to Houston followed by a LONG flight to Hawaii, I finally got to see JE.  I was waiting for my luggage when I turned around and saw him.  I immediately got lei'd.  (Sorry, but that pun will never get old.)  I wish I would have taken a picture of him with the lei, but I was too in the moment to stop and get out my camera.  We began the drive back to the house, and it was awesome to get to be with him and catch up.  I was really looking forward to seeing the house.  I found it on Craigslist, and he moved in a couple of weeks ago.  I have seen pictures and videos, but was still very excited to see it for myself.  JE's furniture and household goods arrived earlier that morning, so there were movers and boxes everywhere.  JE showed me around while we talked about where different things might go.  The house is very unique.  It has some awesome things about it as well as some things that will take some getting use to.  One thing that will be easy to get use to is the back yard.  We walked outside and I immediately noticed some beautiful colors.

This gorgeous hibiscus bush is right outside the master bedroom window.  The hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii, and they come in a variety of amazing color combinations.  The details and colors of this plant are awesome!

This interesting plant is red ginger, and there are several of them growing along the wall around the pool.  They're really close to the hibiscus bush.  They are rich in color and are very unique looking in the way that they grow.  As you can see, the grow out of the top of one flower.  The will then turn and grow down before deciding to grow back up.  I will take a better picture in the future. 

There is also a mango tree, coconut tree and guava tree in the back yard.  I'm looking forward to learning new recipes for all of those, as well as eating them naturally.  The coolest part to me about all of these wonderful plants is that they require little to no maintenance.  Because of the side of the island that the house is on, they get rain and sun just about every day.  What a great place to be!

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