Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 61 - H.E.B. coupons

My roommate, SS, and I decided, out of necessity, to make a trip to the grocery store today.  We went to HEB which, in college, I used to despise, but, during my time in Austin, I have grown to love.  HEB has coupons throughout the store that aren't for an amount off the product you want to purchase, but are if you buy product X, you get product Y for free.  Today they had the best coupon that I've ever seen.  I went to get my Lean Cuisines for the week, and found this

I got free Skinny Cow Ice Cream for buying something I was going to get anyway.  Woohoo!  Now that is a good coupon.  And now I have to publically admit that I love my HEB.

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