Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 75 - Easter Basket

I worked from 11am until 1:45am, and I had to get up and go back again today.  There was a brunch for the guests that stayed in the hotel.  I only had to be there for an hour, but I was not pleased about having to wake up to an alarm clock.  (Side note - one of my favorite things in life is getting to sleep in and wake up whenever my body decides)  I was tired this morning when I stumbled out of my room, but my day got better when I saw this

Even though I'm thirty years old, my mother still makes me an Easter basket every year.  Last year when I was in Michigan, she even mailed it to me.  She's pretty awesome. The tin shown in the picture is my Easter "basket" from when I was a kid.  It's cool that mom still has this and uses it.

I'm not big on Holidays because of all of the merchandising, but Easter is one that I still enjoy for a couple of reasons.  1. It still holds its meaning.  People know that we celebrate Easter as the resurrection of our Lord and Savior who died for our sins so that we could be forgiven. I hope that we all take a moment to let the magnitude of this set in. We are blessed everyday because of the sacrifice of Jesus.  Christ our Lord is Risen!  My next two reasons are very shallow, and pale in comparison to number one, but for blogging sake, I will still mention them.  2.  My last name is Lamb, so I have lots of lamb items.  But, lambs are not the easiest animal to find.  Except at Easter.  Since Jesus was the Lamb of God, marketing people use Easter as a time to sell lambs.  And for people in my family, we buy right into it.  As you can see in my "basket', I have a lamb activity book, a stuffed lamb (which actually has handles and is a purse), and a lamb that I told my mom about from Hobby Lobby that I want to some day put in a baby room.  I know that at that point I won't have the same last name, but as I explained to my Nana today, I will always be a Lamb.  3) The candy!  I laugh even typing that, but it's true.  There are certain candies that only come out at Easter, and they are my favorites.  I bought extra to put in the freezer and ration throughout the coming months.  I had a great Easter with the family, and I hope that you all had a lovely and blessed Easter as well.

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