Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 69 - Tana Jo Thomason

Today is April 18.  For most people, it's just another day.  But, for many people that I went to high school with, this is a date that can cause a  deep sadness.  On this date 11 years ago, our friend Tana Jo passed away from a rare form of cancer.  She was diagnosed in December of our senior year, but she never let it slow her down.  She managed to maintain her grades, uphold her responsiblities within clubs and organizations, play basketball and softball all while going through chemo and radiation treatments.  That spring she went to prom, spoke at the spring sports banquet, and graduated with honors.  Tana did not let cancer slow her down.   Unfortuantly for those she left behind, Tana went to be with her heavenly Father the following spring.

This is us on the couch at my house. 
 I know that this blog is about happy things, so I'm sorry for the sad back-story.  I can be happy on this date for tons of reasons, but I will only mention a couple.  1) I'm blessed to have gotten to know Tana.  We were great friends, and I learned a lot from her.  I have some amazing memories of us together.  2) I know that she is in heaven watching over those she loved.  Her faith throughout everything did not falter.  A few times over the years, I have found myself wondering what life for Tana would be like today if she was still with us, but I very quickly stop and realize that this was all God's plan for her.  She was put on this earth to bring happiness to those around her and glory to God, and she accomplished both of those things and much, much more.  I love Tana and her family very much, and this date will always hold a special place in my heart. 

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