Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 66 - Michelada

I was gonna run errands with CC after work today.  Her parents are having a garage sale, so we were gonna grab dinner and head out to help them. Well, at some point today my co-worker, RW, was talking about the greatness of a Michelada.  I mentioned that to CC, and she was like, oh, yummy!  I was killing time after work by wandering around Target :) when CC called and said, never mind on the garage sale, let's go get a Michelada.  This was a perfect plan.  Her and JC met me at Pacific Star to share a delicious pitcher of this wonderful creation. 

Again, I forgot to get a picture.  This one is really bad because I even had my camera out showing some pictures.  I blame my complete enjoyment of the drinks.  Or, maybe this is my excuse to have to get Micheladas again so I can get a picture.

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