Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 72 - Patcher Poo

After work today, I made the journey home for Easter and wedding weekend.  I had just gotten to my mom's house when I looked over and saw this

This is my kitty cat, Patches.  I lovingly call her Patcher Poo.  She is HUGE.  Part of it is that she's very fluffy, but for the most part she is just fat.  I got her for Christmas my senior year of high school from my boyfriend at the time.  My mother is NOT a cat person, but she allowed me to have the cat on the condition that when I went to college, the cat would go to live at my boyfriend's house.  Well, that didn't happen.  So, for 12 years now, Patches has lived at my mom's house.  Every time I go home, my mom and step dad try to send her back with me, but I haven't lived anywhere that I've been able to bring her.  She is a laid back animal that just wants to be fed and occasionally loved on.  If I could have her live with me, I would, but since I can't, she'll have to stay a mom's.  Thanks mom!

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