Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 65 - Spin Class

CC mentioned to me recently that she got JC to take a Spin Class on Thursday nights.  For those of you that don't know about "spin" or "cycling", it's a class that done entirely on station bikes.  I tried this once about 7 years ago with a group of teens during summer camp, and it kicked my butt.  I couldn't quit or even take a break because I had to set an example for the teens in the room.  Due to the fear of the pain and the craziness those addicted to cycling classes, I have not tried again.  But, I decided that today was the day!  I joined CC & JC for a 50 spin class, and it was great!  I paced myself really well and think that I can even push myself a little harder next time.  And, yes, there will be a next time!

I forgot to take my camera in at the gym, so I will have to get a picture to put here.

Thanks CC for inviting and encouraging me!

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